People Like Rico Bosco And Those Who Support This Sort Of Deplorable Action Simply Can't Be Trusted

Our pal Rico Bosco was down at UCF's NIL event doing some things last night in a charity basketball game. Some say being a power broker (really just him saying that). Some say he was there to try to rattle Josh from The Challenge on behalf of No Quitters (RIPIP). But in reality we now know he was there to be a complete embarrassment strictly based on that video above. Look at that! In a long, long line of disgusting behavior from Rico Bosco this is the one that should piss everyone off the most. 

The man took a charge in the charity game. It wasn't even a charge, it's the exact play that college basketball is actively working on getting rid of this season. I'm not even lying about that, this is what they are trying to delete. The help defender sliding over late, still moving his feet. It's the worst call in the sports and I can't believe my eyes that Rico Bosco, Mr. Healthy Debate is cheering after fooling the ref. You know if this call went against one of Rico's beloved teams he'd be tweeting at refs and tracking down their homes. 

But then you remember something, something that isn't talked about as much anymore. Rico Bosco used to be a diehard Duke fan. He was/is the stereotypical Duke fan from New Jersey. He probably came in his pants after this charge dreaming of Wojo slapping the floor. He probably looked at a burner account just to see if Shane Battier enjoyed his flop. Just deplorable behavior by Rico here. 

PS: The flex after a BLOB finish is fucking hilarious. 

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